“We enter a time of calamity”. Before this line appear in the story. They all went back to the hotel. And on their way back they saw people protesting about the feed. Saying that they don’t want the feed in their brain they would rather be dead then having the feed in their brain. So when I think about this. It kind of make me realize that some people now are realizing that they feed are bad for their body while at the same time some people don’t even know or doesn’t even care what the feed doing to the people. Now let go back to the quote. “We enter a time of calamity,” I believe it means that they enter a time of misfortune and disaster. I believe the old man who hacked then make them say that because he trying to tell them. That wearing or having the feed in their brain is just going to make their life in disaster. Also trying to tell them that if they don’t have the feed he doing that to them would not have done much damage to their body. For example, the people that have the feed start to have lesion and they don’t even not what the cause of it. But the truth is that the chips in their head are the cause of it. Also, one interesting things was on page 85 in the story. When the president was talking to the citizen and telling them that the lesion was not a cause of what the feed is doing. This made me think, what he is crazy. Is he doing this because the feed taking control of his brain too. I mean very weird. Why would a president say something like that when he knows the feed are the cause of the lesion. In the story something that seems important was violet father studying the dead language. Of course what is a dead language; well according to the story a dead language is a language that has not been use for a long period of time. I believe violet father study the dead language because he doesn’t want to lose history. For example when people don’t use something for a long period of time they would forget about it. So Violet father must had wanted to study it. It probably because it was important to keep old literacy and thing alive so that people can understand history or thing that happen in the pass written in old language. In the story the author must have dedicated the book to those who resist the feed because he wanted people to read about the story. I think he mean that you should not resist the feed until you read about it. But in reality if people would to have the feed probably that wouldn’t be the smartest choice. It is because people are like robot and being control or taken over by the feed. Although, one good benefit could be that the feed can influence or make people to not be in crime or bad people. But when I think about everything. I think there is no perfect world. I mean there will be time when thing seem so perfect. But we all just have to admit that there are no perfect worlds but there a world where we can explore our mistake which can make the world a better place to be at.